Friday, 6 December 2019

Social Media – 2- way Communication

 In recent years, social media has revolutionized how people communicate and share information. Although perhaps expedite is a better word, since I believe given enough time even a world without Social Media would reach a similar state of communication we have. This leads me to my main point, and critique of one of the points brought up by the PowerPoint in question. According to the PowerPoint, the feedback in the Social Media Communication structure is only surpassed in "completeness" by individual or Interpersonal Communication. I would argue, however, that this is not the case. A better way to put it would be that the feedback received through Interpersonal Communication is easier, and therefore often seems more complete at first glance. The feedback received through Social Media interactions can often be scattered, heavily controlled by few large corporations as pointed out in the PowerPoint, hard to find, and misleading, but through critical analysis can be sifted through to find extremely valuable information, and more importantly different points of views, and in that sense CAN be a more complete form of feedback, though certainly a more challenging endeavor. For example, if I were to give you a question and told you to go ask your most trusted and wise friend for an answer to that question, maybe you would get an answer, and maybe you wouldn't. Even if you did get an answer, it would be from a single point of view, based off that persons personal experiences and biases. If I took that same question and posted it online, I would have access to hundreds, possibly thousands of different answers from a varied pool of people. As long as I put in the time and effort to accumulate the logical and sound answers from my pool of options, there is no question I would come away with a more complete form of feedback.
In this sense, I believe Social Media feedback at the very least has the potential to be much more complete than Interpersonal Communication.

- Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, xoxo Braedyn

1 comment:

  1. You've raised a really smart point here, Braedyn; feedback need not be easy to be complete. I agree with your statement that though interpersonal feedback is largely immediate and easy to decode, it holds bias. While gathering feedback from multiple sources online also invites bias, the act of sifting through multiple perspectives and opinions gives a greater sense of "completion" in feedback.
